Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Shafa merupakan salah satu tempat makan yang terletak di jalan sayang jatinangor. Tempatnya aga nyempil sedikit dan ga kelihatan dari jalan raya. Kita bisa naik angkot hijau jurusan gedebage-majalaya. Kalau dari kampus ongkosnya sekitar 2000 rupiah. Ada plang ber tuliskan "shaffa" di gang nya.

Shafa is a restaurant located in Sayang street Jatinangor. The place is a lil bit hidden so you can not see it directly from the road. We can reach it by riding green angkot from Gedebage-Majalaya. If you go there from campus, you have to spend 2000 rupiahs. If you hardly find it,  you can see a small board written on it "shaffa".

Tempat makan ini layak buat di kunjungi karena harga makanannya yang tergolong murah namun dengan makanan yang tidak murahan. Bisa dibilang makanan di sini makanan home made jadi kalau pesen ya harus sabar karena beneran mereka masak.

This restaurant is worthed to try since the food prices are not so expensive but you will get good foods. The food here are home made foods which means you will have to be a lil bit patient if you order something since they really cook it there directly.

Makanan yang saya suka adalah Bistick Ayam terdiri dari ayam tepung diberi saus dan nasi merah. Harganya untuk satu porsi hanya Rp. 15.000 rupiah saja, murah bukan? Minumannya bervariasi, ada milkshake, jus, teh manis dll. Harganya, ga nguras kantong banget, berkisar dari Rp. 5.000 sampai dengan Rp. 15.000 untuk satu porsi minuman. Desertnya juga banyak pilihannya, yang paling recomended nih cobain pancake nya plus ice cream, dijamin ketagihan.

Foods I like is Bistick Ayam (Chicken Bistick) includes chicken covered with flour and sauces served with red rice. The price is only Rp. 15.000, cheap isnt it? You also have lots of drinks choice, like milkshake, juice, tea etc. The prices, still it will not make your pocket cries, are only between Rp. 5000 to Rp. 15.000 for a drink. They also have deserts here, lots of them, I recomend you the pancake and add some additional ice cream, you'll love it.

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