Friday, November 21, 2014
Hallo all, it's been a long time since I have written on this lovely blog, yup, In the previous time I was bussy with my final tests. Alhamdulillah, now I have been graduated from my university.
Oke, kali ini saya ingin berbagi tentang salah satu podokan atau kosan yang khususnya untuk para perempuan yang ingin menemukan kosan standar dengan fasilitas yang lumayan lengkap. Kosan ini kebetulan ditempati oleh teman saya jadi saya sering main ke kosan ini.
Oke, now, I would like to share about one of the dormitory especially for girls who want to find a standard dormitory (outside the campus region) with good facilities. In this dormitory, actually, my friend is also occupying one of the room so I also come and visit her sometime.
Kosan ini terletak hampir persis di depan kampus IKOPIN Jatinangor. Tempatnya sangat gampang sekali ditemukan karena terletak persis di pinggir jalanan raya. Kosan ini cukup besar dan sangat strategis untuk ditemukan.
This dormitory is located in front of IKOPIN University Jatinangor. The place is really easy to be found because it is right in front of the main road of jatinangor. This Dormitory is big enough and very stategic to be found.
Ruangan yang tersedia terdapat beberapa variasi. Variasi ini dibedakn berdasarkan warna sesuai dengan harga yang ditawarkan oleh kosan tersebut. Yang paling kecil berwarna hijau, sedang berwarna biru, yang kedua sedang berwarna pink, dan yang paling besar berwarna krem.
The room which are available are various. This variation is distinguished by color according to the prices offered by the lodging house. The smallest room is green, medium rooms are blue, second medium rooms are pink, and cream-colored for the largest rooms.
Harga yang ditawarkan bervariasi, dari mulai 5 juta rupiah per tahunnya hingga 7 juta rupiah per tahunnya. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut bagi kalian yang ingin tau tentang kosan ini silahkan saja langsung datang ke pondokan ini. Agar lebih gampang, kita bisa langsung tanyakan kepada tukang angkot atau ojeg yang ada dimana pondok dara 1. Mereka pasti langsung akan mengantarkan kita langsung ke pondokan ini tanpa harus nyasar-nyasar.
The price offered is varied each room, ranging from 5 million per year up to 7 million rupiahs (500 to 700 usd approx) per year. For more information for those of you who want to know about this boarding more, please just come directly to this hostel. To be more easy, we can directly ask the driver of public transportation (angkot) or ojeg (motorbike taxi) where Pondok Dara 1 is. They definitely will directly lead us to this hostel without afraid of being lost.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Salah satu tempat favorit buat desert ama makan sih ahah. Terletak dekat kampus ITB kedua di jatinangor. Kalau mau liat plang nya emang aga sulit sih walau tempatnya depan banget jalan utama jatinangor.
What I recomend you here is the ice cream called banana split. Ya, the banana which is splitted into two with three scoups of ice creams upon it and some milk. I always enjoy it haha, a portion is only for a ten thousands rupiahs and it is worthed.
Rekomendasinya ya eskrim nya sih, namanya banana split. Pisand dibagi dua terus dikasih topping es krim tiga skup ama dikit susu. Enak pokoknya, satu porsi harganya cuman sepuluh ribu, dan itu udah kenyang banget haha.
For other foods, I dont think it is different from others, but you can always ask the waiters about the recomendation or the favourite foods on the restaurant. They will serve you well dont worry. Usually you can see the wall of the restaurant showing the recomendation foods.
Untuk makanan yang lain, gak terlalu beda jauh lah dari yang lainnya, tapi kamu bisa tanya langsung ma pelayannya apa sih makanan favorit atau rekomendasi di sini. Mereka bakalan layanin kalian dengan baik kok, jangan khawatir. Biasanya sih kalian juga bisa liat makanan rekomendasi di dinding restorannya biasanya mereka tempel.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Shafa merupakan salah satu tempat makan yang terletak di jalan sayang jatinangor. Tempatnya aga nyempil sedikit dan ga kelihatan dari jalan raya. Kita bisa naik angkot hijau jurusan gedebage-majalaya. Kalau dari kampus ongkosnya sekitar 2000 rupiah. Ada plang ber tuliskan "shaffa" di gang nya.
Shafa is a restaurant located in Sayang street Jatinangor. The place is a lil bit hidden so you can not see it directly from the road. We can reach it by riding green angkot from Gedebage-Majalaya. If you go there from campus, you have to spend 2000 rupiahs. If you hardly find it, you can see a small board written on it "shaffa".
Tempat makan ini layak buat di kunjungi karena harga makanannya yang tergolong murah namun dengan makanan yang tidak murahan. Bisa dibilang makanan di sini makanan home made jadi kalau pesen ya harus sabar karena beneran mereka masak.
This restaurant is worthed to try since the food prices are not so expensive but you will get good foods. The food here are home made foods which means you will have to be a lil bit patient if you order something since they really cook it there directly.
Makanan yang saya suka adalah Bistick Ayam terdiri dari ayam tepung diberi saus dan nasi merah. Harganya untuk satu porsi hanya Rp. 15.000 rupiah saja, murah bukan? Minumannya bervariasi, ada milkshake, jus, teh manis dll. Harganya, ga nguras kantong banget, berkisar dari Rp. 5.000 sampai dengan Rp. 15.000 untuk satu porsi minuman. Desertnya juga banyak pilihannya, yang paling recomended nih cobain pancake nya plus ice cream, dijamin ketagihan.
Foods I like is Bistick Ayam (Chicken Bistick) includes chicken covered with flour and sauces served with red rice. The price is only Rp. 15.000, cheap isnt it? You also have lots of drinks choice, like milkshake, juice, tea etc. The prices, still it will not make your pocket cries, are only between Rp. 5000 to Rp. 15.000 for a drink. They also have deserts here, lots of them, I recomend you the pancake and add some additional ice cream, you'll love it.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Oke, let us strat with the most famous hang out place in Jatinangor, JATOS. lol actually the fact is that this is the only place where you can spend the day a lil bit more in the modern way haha. The only mall or department store in Jatinangor where you can search for everything, food, electronics (i.e. phone, computer, etc), clothes and many more.
Oke, mulai aja dengan tempat paling terkenal di jatinangor nih, JATOS. Kenyataannya sih emang ini tempat satu satu nya di jatinangor dimana kita bisa abisin waktu agak modern dikit haha. Satu-satu nya mall atau tempat belanja di jatinangor ini mempunyai banyak sekali varian barang yang kita mau nih, kayak makanan, elektronik baju dan banyak lagi.
You can enter either from the upper floor, or maybe from the second floor. The parking area or parking lot is located on the ground floor, actually it is outside. The parking lot is huge and comfortable enough for putting your car or motorbike. The costs are not so high for a lil mall and you can freely and without worry put your car there since it is on the back of the mall.
Kamu bisa masuk dari atas atau dari lantai dua. Area parkirnya ada di bawah lumayan gede lah buat naruh motor atau mobil mah, ya cuman ga di dalam gedung tapi di luar gedung mall nya. Ongkosnya bisa di bilang murah buat mall kecil haha dan kita ga usah khawatir di curi atau apa karena emang letaknya di belakang mall.
Ada banyak toko dimana kamu bisa menemukan banyak barang. Toko nya banyak tersebar dari bawah sampai lantai atas. Mari kita mulai dari lantai paling bawah.
The ground floor consisting of clothes stores and sellers most of them, and also an ATM center where you can withdraw your money to toss it to whatever you want here haha.
Di lantai bawah banyak banget toko baju dan pedagang kaki lima baju, nah yang paling penting nih ada ATM center hihi, letaknya ada di sebelah tanda exit dari jatos lantai bawah.
If you walk a lil bit then you will find the only playing ground or playing arena called Amazon where you can spend a lil bit time to make some tickets out of your purchased coins. Those tickets could be changed into some various cuty stuffs or things based on how many tickets you have.
Jalan dikit, ga perlu lama-lama keliatan langsung ada tempat main main Amazone. Sistemnya pake koin, jadi beli koin berapa biji mainin deh tuh permainannya ada DDR dll. Luangkan waktumu dikit buat dapetin tiketnya, nah kalau udah banyak tukerin deh sama hadiah.
If you guys want to take some group photos or maybe formal photos with a great quality and of course really cheap you can try the Dream Studio. It is located a lil bit far away from Amazone but still on the same floor.
Nah kalau mau poto poto ama temen atau mungkin foto yang sifatnya formal dengan kualitas bagus tapi ga nguras kantong, coba deh Dream Studio. Jaraknya aga jauh dari Amazone tapi masih di lantai yang sama kok.
Well, every person has their owns preferences about buying stuffs. Well some of them prefer a really cheap price for some quality stuff but in fact you can find them lol. There is a store here on the ground floor which offers you guys some stuffs with only Rp. 8000,00 for a stuff. It is really cheap. Okedoku is the place.
Mungkin beberapa orang punya style masing masing dalam belanja barang. Mungkin di antara kalian ada yang pengennya murah tapi berkualitas, wkwkwkwk kenyataannya ga ada sih. Ada nih satu toko di lantai bawah jatos yang nawarin barang dengan harga yang relatif terjangkau cuman 8.000 rupiah saja untuk satu barang. Okedoku tentunya.
There is another place which is important I think. It is a general store where you guys can buy almost anything with a modern management. It is called SuperIndo.
Well, the rest of the places are not so important I think, there are lots of clothes seller and store. You guys can bargain dont forget that haha. In Indonesia you can even get a clothes 50% cheaper than the seller offered price.